Company strategy
Become a leading full-cycle, Sub-Saharan focused E&P company.
We are a full cycle, Sub-Saharan oriented E&P company focused on growing production and reserves by leveraging existing assets to capitalise on new venture opportunities combined with targeted high impact exploration.
With strategic and long term shareholders from Abu Dhabi and Norway, PetroNor E&P will look to capitalize on the industry experience and government relations in these jurisdictions.
PetroNor E&P will aim to steadily build and increase its reserve base while using free cash flow to pursue defined exploration targets in selected and highly prospective basins with a view to delivering significant value to its shareholders from high impact wells whilst being a good corporate citizen and promoting excellence in operations and innovation.

The synergies between our business model and the latest technologies developed continuously in the offshore of the Norwegian Continental Shelf allow for the maximum commercial outcome with the least environmental impact. The transfer of technology and excellence to our partners or host countries ensures long term collaborations and development.
Seismic Acquisition and Processing
- High quality 3D seismic data acquisition from leading contractors
- PSDM volumes executed for key exploration acreage
- Reprocessing to further optimise 3D seismic data
Geological and Geophysical Interpretation
- State-of-the-art stratigraphic analyses & workflows utilising Paradigm tools and Paleoscan
- Rock physics, forward modelling and attributes using IKON and RSI integrating latest well results
- Section balancing and 3D hydrocarbon migration modelling
Technologies Utilised During Drilling Operations
- In remote locations data is reliably obtained and transmitted to the drilling and G&G teams to facilitate rapid decision making
- 5th & 6th generation semi-submersible rigs and drill ships
- Precise well design and rigorous execution
Advanced Wireline Technologies
- Schlumberger's Quicksilver advanced sampling probe allows focused fluid extraction with minimal fluid contamination
Improved Oil Recovery
- Building on the success story of Improved Oil Recovery in Norway
- Today, Norway has achieved an average recovery factor of 46%, with certain fields on the Norwegian Continental Shelf surpassing 50%
- The focus on reserves management has led to a unique cluster of know-how and technology which can be implemented worldwide