The Republic of Congo (Congo Brazzaville) is the third largest oil producer in Sub-Sahara, with an output that peaked at around 320,000 bopd in 2010 according to Wood Mackenzie. 95% of the production in Congo is located offshore, approximately half of which is in deep water.
New offshore developments, such as Total’s Moho Nord, have reinvigorated the upstream sector. Though the country reached a new all-time peak output in 2018, more developments will be needed to ease future production decline.
Initially discovered in 1979, PNGF Sud commenced production in 1987 and has produced approximately 23,891 bopd on average in 2022 gross.

Tchendo II, Tchibuoela II, Tchibeli-Litanzi II
Production net to PetroNor E&P:
4,688 bopd
16.83% (indirect through part of Hemla E&P Congo interest)
SNPC (15%), Perenco (Operator, 40%), Hemla E&P Congo S.A. (20%), Continent Congo S.A. (10%), Africa Oil & Gas Corporation (10%) and Petro Congo (5%).